New Year’s Check In With Prada

Hey losers, yep, it’s Prada here. Sup?


New year, new me. Ever since Cook’s been adding a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ in my food**, I’ve been feeling GREAT! Ting on the other hand…wondering why she hasn’t written in her blog for ages? Well she’s been glued to the TV playing weird games where you just break things. Yeah, I don’t get it either, I mean who’d rather be doing that than petting and cuddling me? *shakes head* Can’t believe there’s someone in this household lazier than I am. So I guess it’s up to me to keep this blog running, and I’m gonna bless y’all with a fantastic belated Christmas gift–photos of ME. I know, you’re welcome.


Yea I know I’m badass. Channeling my inner Phantom there, haunting Ting cuz she apparently brought with her the coldest winter in like, my entire lifetime. I thought she was from California so she’d bring sun with her. *rolls eyes* At least I can rest on the furnace.


But yea, what else does one do when it’s winter besides hibernate? I just sleep,


and sleep,


and sleep, even if it’s uncomfortable, as long as I get Ting’s body heat.


She keeps me warm I guess…


It’s not cuz I’m clingy or anything, OBVIOUSLY NOT…nope. DON’T YOU DARE GET OUT OF BED, TING.


In exchange I keep an eye on her car…I believe she’ll have more squirrel updates for y’all later.


Then it’s back to napping. I mean throwing down. I mean…both? Yes, both is good.


One time they came home too quickly, and I didn’t get to shut off the computer in time. Stop judging, I KNOW you guys went to Atlantic City without me.


Look at me I’m so cute. Love me.


Uh…help me out please? Mom? Stop pointing that thing at me and help me out! I’ll do anything! Even the French girls pose!


Dang it. She helped me out…well, as promised. Ugh, this is so embarrassing I can’t even look at the camera…can we blur my face out at least?


I feel like this post was a mistake…must be karma. I promise not to talk crap about Ting again, sigh. I’m just gonna lie here and mope now. Until next time, awesome nerds.


**blog-owner’s note: joint pills prescribed by her doc, we ain’t doping our cat or anything

Prada Spam

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but it’s hard to write much today because, as some of you know, I got in a car accident yesterday because someone reversed into me trying to get a better look at a plant? Yea, can you believe? And to think I thought my biggest car problem would be the squirrels…but we’ll save my continued car troubles for another post. Until then, I was told the internet wants more pictures of Prada, so here you go:

Hi, I’m Prada. This is my usual mood. I’m humoring Ting because she’s had some real crappy luck lately. And I was promised dinner afterwards.

I like to sleep, in particular on fuzzy things like Ting’s pajama pants. (Look at me I’m so cute. Come feed me.)

Does this pose make me look thinner?

This is my catnip tea bag. I like sitting on it and getting stoned.

Belly rubs are worth the embarrassing photos. Ting’s still rude though.

But I forgive her sometimes cuz I like her body heat.

And because I forget sometimes I’m too old to be jumping onto sinks. But I just wanted warm water from the sink…uh…help me down please?

Worst of all, Ting likes to pose me with weird things, and I hate it. They’re not even edible.

What? It’s dinnertime? K internet, smell ya later.